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Erotic Story/Edymaniac: Busty Ngozi and the ogling police officer (Part 2)


A move that was equally as surprising, she was breathtakingly beautiful. He just stared at her, dumbstruck, unsure whether he had fallen asleep in the van and was dreaming all of this. She had the most incredible pair of full lips, which were framed by the cutest little dimples, brought on by her nervous smile….

He spend hours on his phone watching porn, always choosing the videos with the girls with the biggest breasts, dreaming about what it would be like to have them dangling in his face as he fucked them senseless.

None of those women even began to compare to the girl sat in front of him right now. He could feel his dick swelling in his trousers, as he finally managed to turn his eyes away from her big cleavage, to look her in the face for the first time.

A move that was equally as surprising, she was breathtakingly beautiful. He just stared at her, dumbstruck, unsure whether he had fallen asleep in the van and was dreaming all of this.

She had the most incredible pair of full lips, which were framed by the cutest little dimples, brought on by her nervous smile. Everything about her screamed perfection, from her braided hair style to her small button nose, but finally and most staggeringly, she had such piercingly deep eyes. Eyes that were held your stare, and at the same simultaneously melted your heart. This girl was intoxicating.

Ngozi realised, by his lust fuelled gaze, a look that was all too familiar to her by now, that she might have a chance to flirt her way out of trouble. She relaxed a little, but still noticed her hand shaking slightly, as she held out her driving license towards him.

It had taken a while, but inspector Haruna was starting to get control of his senses once more. He knew he should just warn her profusely about the number plate and send her on her way, but the sex starved hausa man in him, wanted to keep her talking as long as he could. He quickly read her details on the driver’s license. It revealed that she was 23 years old. Kai! he thought, I’m old enough to be this girls grandfather.

“Am I in trouble?” Ngozi tried to give him the sweetest smile as she took back her license.

“It depends oh…” Officer Haruna scratched his chin as he looked her up and down once more.

“On what?” She batted her eyelashes but noticed he was no longer looking at her face.

“Have you been up to anything that could be considered as a crime?”

Knowing fully well what she was doing, Ngozi pulled her arms tighter to her chest, causing her magnificent breasts to swell outwards. “I’ve not done anything oga, honestly I haven’t.”

Oh Boy! Officer Haruna thought. Did this girl have any idea what she was doing to him? He now had a full on, great erection, luckily he was leaning against the car door, so it was hidden from sight. “That’s going to be for me to decide madam.” His throat was so dry, he was surprised he could talk, he licked his lips and tried to swallow.

Ngozi was a little puzzled. “Why have you stopped me? I wasn’t speeding?”

“No, no, nothing like that. Can I ask where you’ve been tonight?” Dressed like that he reckoned he already knew the answer.

“I’ve been to a club in the island. I…I…met with a few friends.” Ngozi had a sinking feeling. Should she have admitted that?

“Clubbing eh? Did you drink alcohol at all this evening, madam?” Inspector Haruna suddenly realised she was getting a bit nervous, maybe he was on to something.

“I….errr…I had one, but that was at the s…start of the night. I only drank coke after that….” Damn! Why didn’t I just lie? She thought. He’s definitely going to check me now.

“Just that one? I’ve heard that before.” He could have freed her long ago, but he wanted to have some fun with this gorgeous creature. “Would you mind coming out of this car madam.”

Ngozi was bare foot, she normally had driving shoes but had left them at home, so she had to slip on the black high heels she had worn that evening. Inspector Haruna took his opportunity to quickly plunge his hand down his trousers and tuck his rock hard dick under his belt, concealing it from view.

Ngozi was oblivious to what he was doing, she was really starting to panic now. Why had she been so stupid? She should never have had those drinks! Now it could cost her her license and her job. Ngozi opened her car door and stepped out.

Inspector Haruna had to compose himself once again as his eyes flicked down over her hourglass figure.

“I would like you to walk in a straight line for me. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

Ngozi was sure that this wasn’t the usual police code of conduct, she could tell that this old pervert was checking her out. In a way though that was a good thing, the longer she could keep him distracted, the more chance she would have of leaving here, she naively thought. So why not give him what he wants? She could tease him easily, knowing he would enjoy every second of it.

She turned and slowly began walking away, one foot in front of the other, her heels clicking along on the hard road. With every step, she intentionally wiggled her bouncy ass, knowing how sexy it must look.

“Holy Moses.” Inspector Haruna whispered the words. His mouth fell open and he instantly felt his already hard dick, twitch with desire, as he watched her incredible ass jiggling from side to side. It looked deliciously juicy, barely concealed under the thin layer of tightly fitted dress, that showed off her every curve. He couldn’t help giving his dick a desperately needed squeeze through his trousers.

“Stop, that’s far enough.” He was so blinded by lust, he had almost forgotten to tell her to turn around. Ngozi spun on her heels and slowly made her way back, never putting a single foot wrong. She looked more like a model than somebody taking a drunkenness test.

Inspector Haruna could feel himself sweating. Usually he was a hard man, he had been in life threatening situations with armed robbers before, and had still managed to keep his composure more than he was right now. Rachael mountainous breasts swayed gently as she walked closer and closer to him, it was almost too much for the poor man, who thought he was about to pass out, his head was spinning so much.

“How was that?” Ngozi probed.

“Yes…urgh.” Inspector Haruna coughed. “very fine.”

“Well…can I go then?” It was a hopeful effort, but she knew it wouldn’t be that easy.

“Not quite yet. If you could touch your nose with your right hand, then switch and do the same with your left.” He had to reach into his pocket and grab his face towel to wipe the sweat from his balding forehead, it was beginning to sting his eyes.

Ngozi did as she was told, perfectly.

“You see I’m not drunk.”

Inspector Haruna had to admit that it appeared as though she was telling the truth. But something still wasn’t right, she had been acting awfully nervous for some reason. Then an idea came to him, he knew it was wrong and it went against everything he stood for as a police officer, but if he played it right, maybe just maybe he could fulfil one of his deepest desires.

“Have you taken any hard drugs this evening madam?”

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