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Erotic Story/Minxie B: Lily’s cure for boredom is a sexy talkative



“What exactly is wrong” Blessing sighed

“Just come over” I started

“I’m really really bored, it’s driving me crazy, B” I begged

“I wish I could, I am really tied up with work here” She said with her honest voice

“Okay fine” I said

“Try finding something or someone to do” She said

“Okay bye” I said

I threw the phone beside me and sighed heavily, I have been bored and horny all week. Everyone was either too busy or broke to hang out, I dragged my phone and went through my pictures; I heard somewhere the best way to get someone to care to hangout is posting a sexy picture.

I couldn’t find anything I like so I rushed to my closet to pick something out, I took out a white shirt and dropped it on my bed, I took off my bra and wore the shirt leaving the first few buttons open. My bathroom had great lighting so I stood beside the door and took a couple selfies making sure my thighs were peaking a bit.

I picked out the picture with perfect light on my exposed cleavage and posted it feeling good about myself. My phone beeped and it was a message from a guy that I have been curving for a while.

‘What I’ll do to you in that shirt, let me take you somewhere’ The message said. Why have I been avoiding the guy. I replied

“Sure why not, pick me up in 30 minutes” I texted him my address. I changed into a short but loose white gown, I applied a little makeup and went out to wait outside my gate, immediately I stepped out my phone started ringing and I saw his car headed towards me. He stopped and I got in; I still couldn’t figure out why I avoided him

“It’s so nice to be going out with you” He said

That’s it. His voice, I couldn’t stand his voice

“So where are we going” I said plastering a smile

“To go see a movie” He said

I thought about it and decided why the hell not, nothing like a quiet night at the movies; great thing I am wearing a dress. We drove to the cinema close to Jabi lake and he got us tickets for a Nigerian movie, now I don’t mind those but that’s not what I really need right now.

After what seemed like forever enduring the movie and my date Peter feeling the need to explain every obvious plot in his voice that I wanted to mute the movie was finally over.

I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

We drove in silence

“I’m sorry” He started

“What for” I asked turning to look at him

He was cute in a way

“I can tell you didn’t have a good time, I should have let you choose” he said

“Yeah” I said

“How can I make it up” He asked

I looked at him and looked down at his crotch

“Keep driving and shut up” I said reaching to unbuckle his trouser

I unzipped his trouser and dipped in to pull his dick out, I stroked his sizeable smooth dick and soon he was rock hard. I stroked up and down before covering the head with my mouth, his pre cum tasted nice which made me want to taste him more, I bopped my head down taking him in as much as I could, he jerked as I took him in deeper and sucked harder.

We moved slower as I sucked harder on his dick. He grunted and pressed on the accelerator as he came hard into my mouth. I moaned as I swallowed his tasty cum. I got up and saw we were not very far from my house, I unzipped my dress and brunch it at my waist. He slowed down as I struggled to straddle him.

I finally did and guided his dick into my wet hungry pussy. My boobs pressed against him I started to move up and down his shaft as he drove slowly. I held unto the seat beside his neck and pushed myself up and down his length. I began kissing him hard pushing my tongue down his throat as my movement got faster and faster

“I going to come again” He grunted

I covered his mouth with mine to stop him talking as I moved up and down his dick feeling myself at the edge. I bounced up and down his dick harder and faster crying out as my orgasm ripped through me, I spasmed against him as the excitement surged through my body, I felt him throb and cum hard inside me.

I looked around and we were arriving slowly to my gate.

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