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[Story] Mr Lecturer Season 2 (Complete Episodes)


Mr Lecturer Season 2

Episode 31

I forced out a smile, drew closer to Jessica and helped her sit on the bed. She stared at me anxiously, not knowing what to expect. I clasped her hands with mine and looked into her eyes.

‘’it was the police that called. You see my friend Henry was shot last night and I was the last person seen with him. I could as well be a suspect who knows’’ I explained slowly. She gasped with fear while i smiled to reassure her.

‘’Henry actually has been helping me to unravel several mysteries concerning comfort. He’s been quite helpful’’ I explained, taking my time to tell her about the new DNA test, the unexpected result and how I passed out in comfort’s apartment the night she called. It really was a long tale. She listened with all her mind.

‘’so what are you going to do now?’’ she asked curiously.

‘’I will take a flight back home tomorrow, by Monday morning I will show up at the police station’’ I answered nervously.

‘’who knows if your friend is dead or not. You could be in a lot of trouble’’ Jessica muttered, tears dropping from her eyes.
‘’perhaps we were never destined to be together, all that is happening is just to push us further apart. The more we try to fix things, the more complicated it gets. I cant imagine my life if you get thrown into jail. I will end up raising our son all alone’’ she sobbed, touching my heart with her words.

I drew her to myself and embraced her softy. Tears equally formed in my eyes. The last thing I wanted was going to jail. I could never survive that horrible place. Moreover a man of my status isn’t supposed to end up in such a horrible place.
‘’but who could have shot Henry, for what reason?. To silence him or was it a robbery gone bad?’’ I wondered deeply.

‘’my love I have to go get the table ready for dinner’’ Jessica said softly, breaking my thoughts.

Dinner was a very quiet one. Jessica and I couldn’t say much to each other as we ate. We really were so busy with our thoughts while my mother in law kept throwing occasional glances at us. Of course she noticed how tensed up we were.
I really was scared of returning home the next day. Yea I was very scared of many things. To make matters worse Henry’s phones were also dead or switched off which gave me the impression that he probably was dead. Knowing the type of police in the country, I felt I could be used as the fall guy moreover my scandal with Comfort and the publicity it generated was still fresh in many minds. But to be sincere, how I felt was nothing compared to the pain in Jessica’s heart. Ever since we got married, it has been one problem to another.

I woke up in the middle of the night to see my dear Jessica crying her heart out. I felt so bad. i needed not asking what was wrong with her.

”my love” i breathed, holding her hands.

‘’I just can’t sleep. I don’t even know what to expect tomorrow. This moment might be our last together who knows’’ she muttered breathlessly.

‘’my love, nothing makes us stronger than what we feel for each other. Our love will overcome all the obstacles facing us. In the end we will be together as one happy family’’ I breathed prayfully. She shook her head.

‘’I don’t know. I don’t just know. Happy endings only happen in telenovelas or coolval’s stories but not in real life. I’m scared. I’m afraid. Sometimes I feel that staying away from my matrimonial home was a bad idea’’ she muttered.

‘’no my love, you are much safer here. I love you’’ I whispered, kissing her softly. She slowly responded to my kisses which soon got more intense. We spend almost thirty minutes kissing each other with a very wondrous passion. But we didn’t make love….


By 4pm the next day, I took a flight home to face my future. However before I left, Jessica gave me her necklace and prayed I keep it with me everywhere I went.
‘’I’m really going to miss you. It’s also going to be terrible leaving with the feeling that anything could happen to you once you get home. But please keep this necklace with you, always leave it round your neck. Whenever you feel bad, touch it and know that I’m with you in spirit’’ she said with great love.

As the plane took off, I closed my eyes and touched the necklace,
‘’oh Jessica, I promise we will be together in the end’’

7am, Monday morning

I walked into the building of the state police central command and headed straight to detective Johnson’s office. Of course I was very scared. I knew anything could happen to me right there, moreover I came alone with no lawyer.
‘’God help me’’ I prayed nervously.

‘’good morning detective. I’m Mr Caleb, you invited me over on Saturday because of my friend who was shot’’ I introduced myself with a smile.

“please is Henry dead?”” I asked nervously.

The middle aged officer instantly drew back on his chair and studied me curiously. It really was an intense moment.

“why are you so interested to know if he’s dead ??”” he asked suspiciously while I stared at him like a cornered rat.

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Episode 32

‘’so tell me, why are you so keen to know if your supposed friend is dead or alive?’’ the officer asked once again, fixing his trained eyes on me to read my body language. I scoffed and relaxed.

‘’he’s my friend and I have every right to know’’ I answered calmly.

‘’so what exactly is the reason why you left town on Saturday?’’ he asked seriously.

‘’my wife is heavily pregnant and I occasionally visit to check up on her just like I did last Saturday’’ I answered.

‘’so why isn’t she living with you?’’ he asked, making me a bit uncomfortable with the question. I breathed deeply and kept quiet for some seconds.

‘’it’s a private matter and I’m saying nothing else unless you tell me the reason you invited me to your office’’ I answered bravely.

‘’hmmm’ the detective breathed, nodding slowly.

‘’your friend was shot on Friday evening, immediately you left his hotel. It’s my duty to find the perpetrator of the act and the motive behind it. So tell me, are you having any issues with Henry?’’ he asked,

‘’no of course not. Actually I visited him that evening to tell him that I was travelling the next day’’ I answered. He laughed.

‘’so you drove all the way to your friend’s hotel just to tell him you were travelling?’’ he asked suspiciously, getting on my nerves with the question.

‘’do I need a lawyer?’’ I asked.

‘’you tell me?’’ he fired back. I scoffed again.

‘’I know you are a university lecturer. I know you are very educated, but I know how to catch people like you’’ he threatened.

‘’come on man, what’s your problem with me?. Did I commit a crime by hanging out with my friend?. I got nothing to hide. So you are free to investigate every aspect of my life, but mind you, it will be a waste of time’’ I said seriously. He got up from his chair, studied me for a while before breathing deeply.

‘’well Mr Caleb, I got nothing on you. As for your friend, he luckily survived the gunshot because he was rushed to the hospital on time. I’m actually about going to see him’’ he opened up, leaving me with great joy. I sprang up happily.

‘’thank God’’ I breathed.
‘’let’s go see him together’’ I offered. He shrugged, grabbed his pistol and jacket..


I tried asking some curious questions as we headed to the hospital, but the officer avoided all my questions, making the short drive to the hospital very boring.

Minutes later, we got to the private hospital where Henry was lying helplessly. He was awake when we got in. A young lady who looked like his sister was with him. I just didn’t know how to react.

‘’you are a very lucky man’’ the detective muttered with a smile as he studied him carefully.
‘’the bullet narrowly missed your spinal cord. The person that fired the shot definitely wanted to kill you. I’m glad you are pulling through. I could have questioned you yesterday but your doctor disallowed it. So now tell me, Are you having problems with anyone?’’ the detective asked while Henry shook his head.

‘’I have no enemies but you know someone like me that runs a hotel can have enemies without knowing it’’ he weakly answered.

‘’hmmm’’ the detective breathed,
‘’can you identify the person who shot you?’’ he asked. Henry weakly shook his head.

‘’it was very dark and I was shot from behind as I left my hotel to buy call cards for my phone across the street . I didn’t see anything’’ he answered.

‘’hmmm the person must have patiently waited for you to show up before taking the shot but I think it wasn’t done by a professional. Supposing it was a hitman, he wouldn’t have missed and if he did miss, would have showed up to finish it before taking off since no cop was around to challenge him as you struggled with yourself when you fell. But then if it wasn’t done by a professional, whoever took the shot must have known before hand that you were coming out of the hotel by that hour on foot. Or do you always leave the hotel by that hour every night?’’ the detective asked, while Henry shook his head again.

‘’I guess I should start leaving’’ the detective said halfheartedly and looked at me. I drew close to henry and smiled at him.

‘’brother, I have to go drop off the detective and head to my school. I will be back in an hour. We have a lot to talk’’ I said to him…

‘’I believe your friend is hiding something. I have strong reason to believe he was waiting for someone when he was shot’’ the officer said to me as we headed to his station together. I said nothing to him, instead kept my thoughts to myself.

‘’I believe he’s covering up for someone and I think you are also in it’’ he added, expecting me to say something. I still said nothing, however his words never left me all through that morning and when I headed back to the hospital I was full of curiosity.


‘’now I know it was wise of Jessica to leave this city”’ Henry said as soon as i joined him in his hospital room, further drawing up my curiosity. But no matter how much I tried to make him explain his words, he refused saying nothing more.

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Episode 33

‘’come on man you can’t leave me hanging without at least telling me the reason you said Jessica is much safer in Abuja than in my home?’’ I tried one more time to persuade Henry to open up to me, as I got up to leave after spending hours with him in the hospital. He smiled and shook his head.

‘’there isn’t any need telling you what I’m not yet sure of. You know I still feel guilty for making you go through the dilemma of a second DNA test’’ he murmured carefully.

‘’but do you think it was Comfort who actually shot you?’’ I asked. He breathed deeply and smiled again.

‘’she’s your woman. I think you are in a better position to know what she can do’’ he answered while I shrugged and shook my head.

‘’well I know she can’t afford a gun or even afford hiring anyone to shoot you. Comfort doesn’t have a penny’’ I said softly, very unsure of my words.

‘’so you see, relax. I believe with time, many things will come around’’ he said seriously, leaving me with no choice than to keep my feelings to myself. Just like the detective said, Henry was definitely keeping something to himself but what really got me more worried was his real goal or aim in the whole deal. It really was disbelieving that he was keeping quiet or doing everything for my own benefit..

Later in the night, Jessica called to know how my day went, equally asking about Henry’s condition. I narrated everything that happened to her, my feelings and suspicions.
‘’my love it’s isn’t as if I’m being ungrateful to a friend whose actions till this moment has been helpful to me but I somehow do feel that there is more to Henry’s help than I see’’ I opened up seriously.

‘’yeah I feel so too. I can’t imagine a friend showing up in your office after staying away for months and offering to help you with all sincerity. I know such people still exist but with what you just told me, I think Henry has a sort of connection with Comfort. but what I don’t know is if it’s a good or bad connection.’’ She said slowly.

‘’so what do you advice I do?’’ I asked instantly.

‘’hmmm it’s a very difficult question, but left for me, I think you should move on with your life, face your work and prepare for my arrival. Searching for something that might not be real could end up ruining us more. If your friend and Comfort has something going, let them carry on with it. It won’t stop you from providing for the little baby caught up between the mess even though I do hate him. You shouldn’t risk your life for nothing. Since the two DNA test results showed that the baby is yours, simply provide for the child and ignore every other thing. The truth always comes out in the end. So you better be careful my love because If Comfort really was the person who shot your friend and you somehow poke your nose into the truth, do you feel she wont hesitate to pull the trigger on you?. I know that girl will rather kill you than let you walk away from her life’’ she said seriously.

‘’yea my love. I guess I should just forget about everything and get the home ready for you and my son’’ I said sweetly.

‘’that’s the spirit my love. Please keep yourself safe for me. I love you’’ she breathed with love…


But as days went by and Henry recovered quickly, I found myself getting more curious and anxious over the little secret my friend was keeping. I just couldn’t hold back nor follow up with Jessica’s advice. I decided to question Comfort, praying that somehow, she could lose guard and reveal things to me. Reveal what exactly?. Hmmm I really don’t know.

Henry was discharged from the hospital on Friday evening. Exactly one week after he was shot. As a good friend, I was present to support and take him home.

‘’I know you are still worried over everything?. I also have noticed the way you now look at me with suspicion. Just relax, when the time is ripe you will discover that things are not always as they seem. Don’t be in a haste to know everything. Relax brother.’’ Henry said as soon as we got to his home. A comment he probably made to assure me that he was still on my side, but I wasn’t moved by it.

‘’I’m not a fool bro. I know you are keeping something terrible from me. Perhaps you also had an affair with comfort after I brought her to your hotel. Perhaps you are blackmailing her over something else. Perhaps it’s not even all about me. You know I still find it strange how you showed up in my office after many months of us not talking to each other and suddenly offered to help me. It took you no time to discover that Comfort’s doctor is equally her cousin. Then days afterwards you got shot. You suddenly become more secretive’’ I flared up, trying my best to push him into talking. but he simply stared at me with shock and surprise, smiling slowly.

‘’you know, supposing you were this smart, you wouldn’t have been played by your Comfort. The answers you have been desperately looking for, are right within your grasp. Just that you fail to open your eyes’’ he said seriously, drawing out a very vicious gaze from me.
I felt like strangling him. I felt like forcing him to open up. The zeal was in me. He equally noticed it.

‘’hey bro relax. I’m on your side. For your wife’s safety, Please be smart and wait for things to unfold. I got nothing else to say yet’’ he breathed as we exchanged glances.
All that was in my mind that moment was to head over to Comfort’s house and force her into talking since it was futile getting Henry to open up. my9jarocks.info

I was tired of being treated like a weakling. It was time to man up.

Episode 34

Leaving Henry’s apartment, i headed straight to see Comfort in order to straighten things with her. I felt it was a very nice step to take not minding what my wife said about such move the last time we talked.

The time was 8pm when I made it to Comfort’s house. She frowned on seeing me, putting up a defiant look as if we have been quarreling for ages. I ignored her look, walked into the sitting room, looked around and faced her.

‘’seems like your wife told you not to visit me anymore. You have been away for way too long’’ she hissed angrily.

‘’I came for a serious talk because i think I’m finally catching up to reality’’ I said seriously, noticing how pale she instantly grew when I said those words.

‘’I don’t understand’’ she stammered. I scoffed and shook my head.

‘’my friend Henry was shot’’ I added, studying her reaction. Surprisingly she remained untouched with the news which kind of showed that she probably was aware of it and perhaps in a bid to appear calm failed to give out any reaction.

‘’I guess you already know’’ I said with a swift smile. She drew back nervously and looked around as if we weren’t alone in the sitting room.

‘’little Caleb is sleeping, let’s go to my room and talk’’ she begged, grabbing my hands and dragging me to her room, very shaken and colored up. It was very obvious she was hiding something.

On getting to her room, she turned and faced me with great spirit. Her lips quivering as if she was under great emotional duress. She held me strongly, looking into my eyes.

‘’tell me what’s the matter this time?. Are you going to accuse me now that I shot your friend or did he tell you anything bad about me?’’ she asked curiously.

‘’I think it’s time you tell me all the little secrets you are keeping’’ I persuaded.

‘’’what secrets are you talking about?’’ she asked, feigning innocence. I scoffed and looked into her eyes.

‘’you still take me for a fool don’t you?’’ I asked angrily.

‘’what’s up with you?. The only crime I know I have committed is loving you. What else do you want me to do to prove it huh?. I have sacrificed my feelings, future, happiness, pride and everything to make you happy yet you always come here to insult me. It’s no longer about little Caleb’s paternity but now about me shooting your friend who means nothing to me’’ she flared up, quickly regaining her composure and putting me in defensive position with her words. Surely she wasn’t an easy lady to manipulate.

‘’you know what?, if your friend has something on me, he should come forward and spit it out and not feeding you with assumptions’’ she shouted and sat on her bed.
I stared at her for some minutes, not knowing what else to say. Of course I achieved nothing with the useless stunt.

‘’I guess I have to leave now’’ I breathed, turned and made to leave.

‘’not even an apology’’ she demanded. I froze for some seconds.

‘’I also need money. I’m very broke’’ she added.

‘’I will send you money tomorrow’’ I promised and left….
Of course my attempt to make her talk ended in futility, I ended up looking more stupid and clueless. I felt totally downcast.

Two days later, Henry called to tell me that he was in Calabar for a little vacation, I really was surprised but happy for him.
‘’I will be back very soon with the story of your life’’ he assured me.

However a month went by without Henry returning to his job. I really was worried but pushed everything to the back of my mind as I eagerly awaited the arrival of my new baby. I left nothing out in preparing and setting up my apartment and crib for the baby. I just couldn’t wait for my Jessica to come home with my son..

Finally on a Wednesday morning, weeks later, Jessica called me with a very wonderful news.
‘’I will be having my baby on Saturday. Please try and come over. I want you to be with me to the very moment’’ she requested, blowing up my heart with the great news. I was extremely overjoyed..

Friday evening, I took a flight down to Abuja to be with my one and only sweetheart. Unfortunately she didn’t put to bed on Saturday.

Early Sunday morning, Jessica gave birth to a very beautiful girl…

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Episode 35

The arrival of my little girl brought so much joy and happiness in my heart. Oh yea I was expecting a son but the joy of seeing an exact little replica of my wife was so much to contain.

‘’our little girl is so pretty’’ I whispered sweetly into Jessica’s ears as she regained her strength on the hospital bed. She smiled weakly, managing to bring up her hand which she placed on my face.

‘’I’m so happy. I’m now a full woman’’ she breathed with tears of joy. I bent and kissed her forehead.

‘’promise me that things will never get bad again’’ she begged softly. I kissed her once again, promising never to let her down in anyway..

‘’I cant wait to return to my home. I just cant wait for us to become one big happy family’’ she muttered breathlessly. i stared at her with eyes full of love and contentment.

I was very satisfied and proud of my dear Jessica. she really endured and suffered a lot for me. not many women would have been patient like her. she was so understanding and supportive. Finally, it was time to build my family and live a very happy life. I just couldn’t wait to have her back in my home.
My parents were equally delighted when I called with the great news. They all insisted on speaking with Jessica and I had no choice than to grant their wish even though Jessica was very exhausted..


Two days later Jessica was discharged from the hospital. I traveled back home that same day to get things fully ready for the eventual return of my dearest wife. Those moments were really one of the best I ever had. I did things with a new spirit. I became very open, jovial, friendly and affectionate to everyone. It just looked as if I got a new life but only one thing still disturbed me and it was nothing else but comfort and my little son. Yes I really felt like snatching the little boy from her and raising him with my daughter. A wish I so much nourished with all my heart.


‘’so what now?’’ comfort asked the day I finally managed to tell her about my new daughter. It was on a Saturday evening, almost a month after Jessica put to bed and equally a day before she was due to return back to my home. I chose that fateful evening to visit and tell comfort about the true situation of things, equally using the opportunity to warn her to stay away from my wife when she returns because i knew a lady like her was capable of doing something funny to spoil things for me.

‘’this is how things should be from now on. I will regularly send you money for our son’s upkeep and equally show up when necessary but in exchange you will have to stay away from my wife and my house . in fact stay away from my family.’’ I said to her seriously but just like I expected, Comfort wasn’t too pleased with my offer.

‘’you know my dream has always been to be with you. I never chose to love you. My heart did. I love you Caleb . I need your love. I don’t want your money. Please listen to me’’she begged, almost sobbing with great emotion. I quickly stood up with a frown.

‘’I don’t love you. I never did. Please stay away from my wife, she’s coming home tomorrow. I don’t want any troubles from you. Please’’ I said seriously. She stood up and grabbed me, shedding few drops of tears.

‘’I’m the mother of your son. Don’t treat me like this. I beg of you’’ she cried. I pushed her away, headed to the door, turned and faced her as I grabbed the doorknob.

‘’I know you wont listen, but I swear, I will kill you if you dare come close to Jessica’’ I threatened. unfortunately her mother showed up from the kitchen that very moment with a very angry look.

‘’what did you just say?. Did I hear you right?’’ she asked angrily. I simply gave her an askance look and walked away without another word.


My wife, my little daughter and my mother in law arrived at my house the very next day with so much noise and joy. It really was such a wonderful moment.
My father in law and my good old parish priest were with me in the house to welcome my family and pray for new life and happiness for us all. It simply was a very great moment. I was the happiest man on earth.

”i’m fully back to be with you my love. Nothing will ever draw us apart again” Jessica promised as we kissed with great passion.

Unfortunately, we never celebrated for too long because the evil wind of misfortune took no time in blowing. Tragedy soon struck.

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7 years ago


7 years ago

wat a beautiful story, really I do enjoy it thanks

7 years ago

Wow am just in love with the story,it’s very educative

6 years ago

I can’t find episode 15

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